Patient Care Intervention Center

Unified Care Continuum Platform

  • The Impact

    • 850+ agencies' data combined
    • 6.9 Million+ individuals served
    • 60 Million+ encounters tracked

The Need

The current model of care for vulnerable populations is siloed across and within medical and social providers. Individuals who seek care from multiple agencies likely have a case manager to represent them at each provider, but these case managers lack the technology to collaboratively coordinate care across systems. As such, referrals between systems are passive, placing the responsibility of coordinating visits upon the most at-risk individuals.

Did you know?

50% of healthcare spending in the U.S. is consumed by just 5% of the population?

In order to get better, this 5% of high-cost patients often need social and behavioral supports that fall outside of the traditional medical domain.

To solve these issues, we have developed the Unified Care Continuum Platform, which bolsters population health at many levels to ensure accountability and coordination across provider systems.

By following the evidence that 80% of an individual’s health is determined by social, economic and environmental factors, while 20% of an individual’s health is determined by clinical factors, our platform is designed to track, measure, and address these complex determinants of health – including medical, housing and transportation, income and employment status, hunger and access to nutritious foods, literacy and language, behavioral health, social integration, and much more – by linking data from disparate medical and social provider systems to create a comprehensive record for each client.

We turn the current problem-centered model of care on its head by facilitating personalized care plans that are driven by clients’ values, goals, and strengths.

Platform Overview

We are building a bridge between service providers to facilitate data sharing and cross-agency care coordination for Houston’s most vulnerable individuals. Through robust, cross-agency data analytics and patient care plans that are shared across agencies, our platform strengthens our region’s health safety net by empowering medical and social agencies to collaboratively address social and economic determinants of health.

The Unified Care Continuum Platform’s core functionalities include facilitating care coordination for patients with complex needs, linking need to resources in real-time, streamlining collaboration between medical and social service providers, and generating data to support advocacy for systems-level change.

Community Data eXchange - Merges social and medical records

Community Resource eXchange - Connects the right resource to the right person

Community Care Coordination - Facilitates cross-agency care coordination

Who Benefits

Patients and communities are the ultimate benefactors of our Platform; in serving them we’ve quantified impact and savings for:

Case Studies

Lone Star Justice Alliance, Dallas County, TX and Williamson County, TX


Current criminal justice reform practices for youth populations have shown to be ineffective. Data clearly points out that criminal justice reform indoctrinates vulnerable youths to a life of regular involvement with the legal system. In our current system, there is an emphasis placed on punishment rather than reform. As a result, the rate of recidivism regularly exceeds 75%. Furthermore, 17-24 year-olds only comprise 11% of Texas’ population, yet they account for over 29% of state-wide incarcerations. Their probation is revoked three-times more frequently than older adults. Moreover, people of color within this age range are arrested at nine-times the frequency of their Caucasian counterparts. It is evident from these statistics that the existing system perpetuates an already high incarceration rate for young adults that will likely carry over throughout their later adult life—perhaps multiple times over for people of color.

Lone Star Justice Alliance (LSJA) is a nonprofit legal organization dedicated to improving the lives of these youths and emerging adults (17-24 years old) in the justice system through (1) the utilization of developmentally appropriate responses to behavior, (2) treating youth and emerging adults with equity and dignity to promote resilience, (3) conservation of costs, and (4) increased public safety practices.


A customized version of PCIC’s CIE has been designed to bring together the LSJA’s team, the court systems, district attorney’s offices and community organizations to (1) support an intervention for young adults through a values-based approach, referred to as an individual’s “spark” and (2) accommodate other needs of the care model specific to this project. Their care team, judges, and community partners can closely track progress and outcomes, determine resource availability and needs, make referrals, manage the intervention workflow and analyze data in one consolidated platform. Research partners of this project include the University of Texas Health School of Public Health, Texas A&M Public Policy Research Institute, and Harvard Law School’s Access to Justice Lab. The academic institutions are involved to design and conduct a randomized control trial (RCT) in order to track participants’ health and criminal justice outcomes. By pioneering this study, the collaboration aims to establish a new standard of transformative justice, health and social practices that are driven by data and evidence-based outcomes-- specifically health and criminal justice outcomes, perform cost-benefit-analysis, and process evaluations in the Transformative Justice Program. Results from the RCT will be disseminated to stakeholders in these counties and to researchers and experts at local, state, and national conferences in order to inform changes in policy that could reduce the state’s incarceration rate, while promoting public safety and the effective use of the state’s limited resources. This is the first study of its kind in the United States since the mid-1960’s, and it has the potential to provide the most comprehensive evidence in favor of treatment over incarceration.
To learn more about this project, visit the LSLA website at

Houston Food Bank, Houston, TX

Partners in Primary Care, Houston, TX

Legacy Community Health, Houston, TX

Harris Health System, Houston, TX

Humana, Houston, TX

Unified Care Continuum Platform breaks down silos in care for clients of Recovery and Rehabilitation Center

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Our Mission

Humanize health equity by integrating clinical, behavioral, and social determinants of health into serviceable insights that our partners use to drive action, putting each individual on a path toward achievable health and well-being.

We Envision

Creating a new reality of integrated effective care that will transform the lives of all people, especially vulnerable populations – a beacon for True Health Equity.

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